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"4 STARS - UNSENTIMENTALLY DELIGHTFUL..a truly LOVELY NEW PRODUCTION...It’s freshly directed by (former Broadway orphan) Jenn Thompson with an eye not to cuteness, or whatever, but to real emotional connection between the leading characters...All in all, it is far superior to other recent versions I’ve seen and deserves all 3,600 seats to be filled.”

- Chris Jones, The Chicago Tribune


DELIGHTFULSHOWSTOPPERS APLENTY…In an uncertain world, an upbeat ‘Annie’ tour clears away the cobwebs.”

- The Chicago Sun Times

"BEAUTIFULLY DELIVERED WITH INFECTIOUS OPTIMISM...what director Jenn Thompson has done is strip away all the character mugging that has become the hallmark of so many iterations of the show, and found an appealing cast to just be the characters as written."

- The Orlando Sentinel

"AMAZING...SPECTACULAR..,continues to capture the hearts of a new generation of kids with this latest national tour. Annie is helmed by director Jenn Thompson and choreographed by Patricia Wilcox and together these two women are a TOUR DE FORCE."

- Broadway World

"ENTERTAINING...IMPRESSIVE...BOASTS A TALENTED CAST...a well-performed and solidly crafted touring production of Annie....Director Jenn Thompson emphasizes both the humorous and sentimental moments of the show well. This tour certainly showcases talented performers, and is an entertaining and fun presentation of this likable Broadway staple."

- Talkin' Broadway

"EXCELLENT...A SPARKLING PRODUCTION...Jenn Thompson and choreographer Patricia Wilcox make it come WONDERFULLY ALIVE...everyone in the audience (especially all the little girls) will leave with smiles on their faces."

- Chicago Onstage

"DELIGHTFUL...FABULOUS...Sometimes the old musicals hold up. I know this one does. a fun family friendly musical, and this cast is all in to make it SPECIAL."

- Detroit Edge

"EXQUISITE VOCALS AND SUPERB ACTING...While productions of Annie can tend toward saccharine, this tour, directed by Jenn Thompson (who played Pepper in the original Broadway run), pulls no punches when it comes to highlighting the orphan’s plight in depression-era America....The talented cast, choreography, and direction make this national tour of Annie a DO-NOT-MISS!"

- Beltline to Broadway

BEAUTIFUL...MEMORABLE...DIRECTED WITH SPIRIT AND PACE by Jenn Thompson, and choreographed with vigor by Patricia Wilcox, this 21st century National Tour feels absolutely FRESH and SPARKLES WITH LIFE."

- Chicago Theatre Review

"PERFECT...AMAZING TO BEHOLD...Performances are GREAT ALL AROUND, especially Ellie Pulsifer as the title character. That child has a helluva set of lungs, and belts out her tunes with gusto, and in her more dramatic scenes, she makes you cry right along with her."

- Arts Louisville

"INSPIRING...OUTSTANDING...the actors are SPOT ON...a celebration of love and adoption with a New York City set that comes alive during the “N.Y.C.” number. Visiting New York will never be the same, thanks to Jenn Thompson, director, Philip Rosenberg, Lighting design, and Wilson Chin, Scenic Design."

- Kansas City Metro Voice 

"UPBEAT AND FULL OF LIFE...FIVE STARS...ABSOLUTELY PERFECT! Annie is only in Philadelphia for a very limited engagement before heading on the rest of the North American tour, which doesn’t conclude until June 2023. If you happen to be in one of the cities that it is coming to, we would suggest running now to BUY YOUR TICKETS. The only thing you will regret is if you wait until it is too late."

- WEBF (Philadelphia)

"SHEER DELIGHT...GORGEOUS...Forget Daylight Saving Time: The Sun Will Come Out with Annie! 

This is a show you can take your kids to and be confident they’ll enjoy it."

- Omaha Magazine

"UNIFORMLY SPLENDID...Under Jenn Thompson’s EFFERVESCENT, ASSURED DIRECTION, petite leading lady Pulsifer wins hearts and earns deserved cheers as the titular spunky redhead...With its Christmas season setting and its message of holiday good cheer, Annie’s arrival at the Dolby midway through its eight-month national tour could not be better timed. Get ready for two-and-a-half hours of FAMILY-FRIENDLY DELIGHT."

- Stage Scene LA

"AWESOME...EXCITING...The orphans are, of course, key to any ANNIE, and this plucky bunch is adept with their hard knock buckets and fully dressed with toothsome smiles, but what set this production apart from others I’ve seen is a welcomed attention to detail and subtle excellence in the adult cast that surround them. It’s clear that the director of this production, Jenn Thompson, who made her stage debut as the orphan Pepper in the original Broadway cast, knows a few things about how to ANNIE."

- Broadway Live Insider (Lexington KY)

 "INCREDIBLE...THEATRICAL COMFORT FOOD...this particular tour features high production values, a most well-behaved rescue dog playing Sandy and a very skilled cast...Add to that an already catchy score, a simple set that does the job but doesn’t overwhelm you, and some beautiful costuming choices, and you’ve got a hit."

- Enjoy RI

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